Saturday, April 2, 2022

Prey - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Non Fiction

Verdict: Read it!

This was an interesting one. I had heard of Ayaan Hirsi Ali before, but not that much. I haven't read anything else written by her. This book exposes some of the issues that Europe is facing due to migration of people of Middle Eastern/Islamic descent. It's pretty common for people now to be "Woke" enough to deny that cultural exportation and migration affect anything. People are people, we should be accepting. 

I'm not sure I buy into that theory, especially after moving to India. I know that certain contained places in Europe have had some very unfortunate problems arise (like France) but not the extent of the issue or how migration is culturally changing Europe itself. This was shocking. I think many people just assume that migrants immerse themselves in the new culture and assimilate. Ayaan Hirsi Ali's premise is that they don't. And they export attitudes and actions that are harmful to the local culture. 

As a woman immigrant to a European country, Ayaan Hirsi Ali has a unique perspective on the topic and I felt did a great job of critically thinking about the issue rather than giving an emotional reaction. I would have not expected someone like her to admit the inherent problems of something that has benefitted her. But she is clear from the start her obligation is to society and women, not enabling problematic behaviors.

What I liked most about this book was that I never felt that it was simply the Author's opinions or premises that were being put forward. She has backed up here thesis with solid research and facts, in addition to coloquial examples. This book in particular has focused primarily on women and the negative effects it has had on society's view of women. The women migrants themselves often time contribute to these problems. 

Immigration and cultural footprints are a difficult subject to dive into and have become highly politicized. It's hard to know the right solution and even governments grapple long and hard on how to be both fair and protect the local population. I'd recommend this to read because it's a  world issue that people should be aware of - especially women. 

Read it!


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