Verdict: Cannot Recommend.
This was another newspaper recommendation after an article on Feminism. I was pretty excited to read it.
I understand that feminism means different things to different people. Especially between generations and cultural groups. India is not known for it's women-friendly environment. It's a downright misogynistic place to this day. I thought anything feminist coming out of India would be a good thing. My flaw was thinking that feminism meant through the lense that I see through. I won't bother you dear reader with a speech on my views of feminism, but let's just come to the conclusion that I was wrong. Dramatically wrong.
India is a nation of apologists. Accountability and ethics are, well, let's say "flexible". If you look at the religious texts like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata (and I have read both), you find texts with very sticky moral situations and the justifications around what is right and wrong. It's truly challenging to read with an open mind as cultural "rights" and "wrongs" are ingrained in us so deeply from a young age. I'm getting to the point, I promise.
This text looks at books like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata and attempts to translate the lessons of the books into feminist themes. By excusing or ignoring deeply harmful actions, or justifying the cultural correctness of the time. I found it disgusting. I know that's not very understanding of me, but washing the mud off of a pig doesn't make it a donkey. I have said many times that India will probably never change at it's core, and I believe it's because people like having the moral flexibility to do anything and defend it as tradition. Of course, that's trite. But it's correct at the core.
As we travel through the 21st century, we hope for progress - both in infrastructre and mindset from the entire world. Equality of all people, be it women, LGBTQ+, backward castes, etc should be something we strive for, not just talk about. If people continually defend the actions of the past with no moral judgment relevant to the present, then change is not possible.
Look, practice whatever feminism floats your boat.....but please not this one. Do not be apologetic about equality anywhere. We all know the time past had a different culture, different mores, and different reasoning. That is irrelevant to today where we try to continue evolving in thoughts and deeds. If you rationalize mistreatment of women in the past, you excuse it today. Let's continue growing. Sermon over.