Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Newly Weds: Mansi Choksi

 Non Fiction

Verdict: Meh

I think I picked this novel up at the bookstore. I'm not a hardcore romance novel reader, but I like some occasionally. Not that this was a romance novel. I haven't read anything by Mansi Choksi before, so this was my introduction.

The author follows three couples in India through non-traditional marriage paths. That means non-traditional, non-heterosexual, and across religions. It's a tricky subject in India and one that people still have strong and sometimes unfortunate mindsets about. The outcomes aren't always good.

That being said, I believe people should love and marry whomever they wish. I don't believe families have the right to interfere, nor take revenge on couples when they marry outside of the traditional manner. 

The couples that Choksi highlights aren't all that out of the ordinary for today's world. There's nothing bizarre about them, which makes the circumstances more sad. The author seems to take pride in asking certain questions and forcing the reader to think. I'm all for asking questions and making the reader think, but trumpeting about it is a little offputting for me. I'm sure that Choksi doesn't have the answers for those three couples or society on how to reach a suitable compromise for everyone. The book ends without any solid resolution, which is to be expected, but left me wondering what the point was. This isnt' a new subject here. Everyone knows that these circumstances are still difficult inspite of progress, your questions are not new ones. 

It's a decent time pass and you want the couples to succeed and be happy together, but there's nothing here that hasn't been done before. 


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