Thursday, February 13, 2025

Feminisms: Arpita Mukhopadhyay

Verdict: Read if you dare

I believe this was another newspaper recco from the same article. I don't run into too many feminist texts that are academically oriented. Most of the feminist books, rants, and manifestos that I come across are largely anecdotal and emotion based. 

Arpita Mukhopadhyay takes apart feminism like a dissection. It's a methodical, clinical, exacting approach. I did get through it, but true to most scientific works, I ended the book wondering what the point of the dissection was aside from defining. 

I'm a feminist in my own way. And I support anyone who cares to be a feminist in his or her own way, aside from fake feminism to confuse people - that sucks. After I read this, I felt that the soul of what feminism is was missing from this book. It's a journey that has been long, bloody, and diverse. Reducing it down to the clinical discussion of definitions, history, and dry examples robs it if the emotions it triggers for what it represents to so many. You can't separate feminism from emotion just like you can't separate sex from an interaction with another human being. Well, hopefully it's a human!

Arpita Mukhopadhyay's book is excellent from a clinical and academic standpoint. She's clearly very smart and very methodical. But I wondered what feminism meant to her. What are we to draw as conclusions from all this data? Perhaps that's the point. Science doesn't always tell us what to think, it tells us facts and sometimes certain conclusions are inevitable. I suggest you read this simply from an academic standpoint if you support feminism. You'll have to reach your own conclusions, which hopefully you've started developing anyhow.

Read it!

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