Friday, May 26, 2023

I'm Glad My Mom Died - Jeanette McCurdy


Verdict: Read it!

I've recently been going to therapy and, like so many before me, have found myself staring my childhood and it's accompanying relationships in the face with an analytical glint in my eye. I have the say that the timing for reading this book (although let's be honest - that's why I chose to read it) was faulty at best. Childhood trauma, either your own or someone else's, is best in small doses - and not at the same time.

That being said, it was an excellent book. We wonder why children who grow up in Hollywood fare so poorly over the long run, but with childhoods like Jeanette's, it's not that hard to comprehend. While I couldn't identify with many of the experiences the author details, I definitely could identify with the trauma patterns she clearly exhibits. I found myself wanting to tuck her in a pocked full of cotton and keep her there until all the nutcasery disappears - to protect her. Of course that's absurd. I don't know her at all. 

I won't go into the details nor the story line, it's worth unwinding yourself if you wish to walk down that path. I find it useful to study trauma, but I get it that not everyone wants to or is willing to. I still find it to be a worthwhile read, even if you didn't like I-Carly.


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